Saturday, April 25, 2009

I ate the young leave of the persimmon

I ate the young leave of the persimmon
Friday, April 24, 2009

 At past 18:00, I pruned the persimmon (japanese persimon, kaki, Diospyros kaki Thunb) outside the window of the home bathroom yesterday. A lot of verdure grew to the branch of the persimmon.

 I cut the young leave of the persimmon out of a pruning branch by hand. I intended to fried and eat the young leave of the persimmon. There were around 100 pieces young leaves of the persimmon and gathered around 20 pieces of those. I soaked the remainder in the water of the bucket in front of the entrance.

 I gathered the leaf of the Erigeron philadelphicus and the leaf of the hawk's-beard around 20 pieces more in front of a gateway for a host.

 I want to go to pick up a rape, but cannot be busy with correspondence to the Ogawa's riot.

 But I can gather me so as not to be able to eat wild grass growing in the home garden.

 I fried them all and ate last night. It is the first time that I ate the leaf of the persimmon. I am bitter. But it is not bad.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

 Now, 19:5.
 I put the leaf of Dokudami, the leaf of the Philadelphia fleabane and a leaf of carrot in vegetable soup and ate last night. The thing which I gathered at home both. It is the first time that I ate the leaf of the Philadelphia fleabane. It is the first time that I gathered the leaf of the Dokudami this year.
 In today's day, I gathered the leaf of the the onitabirako (Asiatic hawksbeard/oriental false hawksbeard, Youngia japonica ) which grew wild right in front of home entrance door approximately several pieces. In the evening, I gathered the leaf of the beefsteak geranium in the home north side. I will make these salad later and intend to eat.
 I drew off in a porch the Field Horsetail (Common Horsetail) which I gathered under the Toho bridge of the Ichino river yesterday. I gathered only a field horsetail in the place yesterday. A lot of Common Groundsels grew, too. But I did not feel like eating it.

 I noticed that some fruit were assigned to the fig and began to grow it last night. I have not heard that fruit of a fig swelled out in the middle of April.